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Amazon number 1 new release in child development category Order Now!

Storytelling is the oldest, most powerful teaching method. Anyone can tell a simple story, I know that for a fact. We all have once been four years. We know how to imagine and immerse ourselves in a story. At Harvard Business School they even teach business via stories, case stories! My stories keep the power of the Harvard Method, yet are super simple. Let’s dive in with an example!

Case Story Example for a Preschooler: Toy Grab

The Miracle of Case Method Parenting

The Case Method Parenting Benefits.

The Case Method Miracle: The Concept.

I am often asked how I connected the Harvard case method to parenting, what made me think I could use something from business school with children. Here is a one-minute answer.

When my son was a baby, I was learning how face-to-face and physical interaction are powerful with children. This paved way to the case method idea, that telling stories with my own words, looking at my child and affirming him by hugs, smiles, and playful touching, was a mighty way to affect growth.

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